- View Online / March 8th, 2016 -
Reduce the Line-of-Duty Deaths with Driver Training - Virtual Driver Interactive Offers Lifesaving Educational Training Products and Programs

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, El Dorado Hills, CA - February 2016:: Virtual Driver Interactive, Inc. (VDI), the leading provider of simulation training solutions for commercial and education applications, offers public safety lifesaving public safety educational training products and programs: One Simple Decision® and Virtual Hazard Detection®.

Vehicle crashes are the second leading cause of line-of-duty deaths (LODD) for both firefighters and law enforcement. When looking at public safety vehicle response crash data statistics and case histories, it quickly becomes evident that the causes of vehicle crashes across these disciplines are, for the most part, notably similar. Some of the main causes are excessive speed, inclement weather, and driver distractions.

VDI's safety training products and programs are designed to combat the leading causes of LODD associated with critical highway safety problems. Our products and programs simulate mission critical scenarios coupled with typical driver challenges: inclement weather, skidding, hydroplaning, managing intersections, space management, pursuits and more.

One Simple Decision (OSD), is an innovative simulation-based distracted and impaired driving program where actual fire, law enforcement, and medical personnel interact with the driver to modify driving behavior by illustrating the consequences of choices made behind the wheel. One Simple Decision also tracks driving violations in real time displaying them on the screen as they occur. Driving violations captured include speeding, swerving, running stop signs or signal lights, making wrong turns, driving in the bike or center lanes, etc.

Virtual HD, the industry’s first voice-controlled, interactive, simulation-based driver safety program is designed to improve hazard recognition skills and reduce crash risk for many of the top commercial fleets.

Public safety agencies such as law enforcement, fire and EMS expand community outreach programs by helping their community drivers practice safe driving protocols through realistic, yet peril free simulation. VDI simulators fill the need by being portable, interactive, realistic and associated with both impaired and distracted driving. VDI’s VT Touch Simulator and One Simple Decision (OSD) programs are systems that can be set up in a mobile education trailer for large scale events or departments can take to a classroom for small presentations.

Some recent law enforcement, fire or EMS agencies purchasing VDI simulators with One Simple Decision software include - Pam to provide me award list

Virtual Driver Interactive will showcase One Simple Decision and Virtual Hazard Detection simulation programs at the Lifesavers Conference in Long Beach CA, booth #627. The Lifesavers 2016 Conference will be at the Long Beach Convention Center on April 3rd - 5th. It is the largest national gathering of highway safety professionals in the United States celebrating 34 years of delivering solutions to today’s critical safety problems. VDI is pleased to continue to support the conference and, like Lifesavers, is committed to share the common goal of improving highway safety. For more information on the Lifesavers Conference visit www.lifesaversconference.org.

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Virtual Driver Interactive High Res Image Pack - (http://thinkipm.com/clientprs/vdi/VDIimagepack.zip)
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VDI One Simple Decision logos - (http://thinkipm.com/clientprs/vdi/OSDlogos.png)
VDI One Simple Decision Brochure - (http://thinkipm.com/clientprs/vdi/OSDpdf.pdf)

More on Virtual Driver Interactive - Virtual Driver Interactive (VDI) is well known in the simulation industry for its vision of innovative simulation-based training. From training experienced corporate fleets to new teen drivers, VDI delivers effective training. VDI offers highly portable, affordable and effective solutions. Titles include Virtual HD® (Virtual Hazard Detection), designed specifically for corporate fleets; One Simple Decision®, a deterrent to distracted or impaired driving; Virtual DE™ (Virtual Driving Essentials), a driver training and assessment program teaching critical skills; and Boating Skills VT™ (Boating Skills Virtual Trainer), industry’s leading simulation-based boating safety program. VDI is a privately-held company headquartered in El Dorado Hills, California. For more information about VDI’s innovative interactive simulation driver training solutions.

For more information about VDI’s innovative interactive simulation driver training solutions visit our website www.driverinteractive.com and social media sites:

VirtualDriverInteractive - OneSimpleDecision - 1simpledecision

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Please send responses to:
Pam LeFevre - plefevre@driverinteractive.com
Virtual Driver Interactive
4505 Golden Foothill Parkway
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
P: 877.746.8332
E: vdiwebinquiry@driverinteractive.com
W: www.driverinteractive.com

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