Laser Ammo USA, Inc. Launches New Website - A Mobile Friendly and Comprehensive Site About Firearms Training, Products and Dealer Information.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Great Neck, NY - November 2014: Laser Ammo USA, Inc, is pleased to announce the launch of its fully-featured website, www.laser-ammo.com. The new site has extensive firearms training content with articles by professional shooters and writers about dry fire training.
Laser Ammo's new site has been designed to provide the ultimate user-friendly experience with improved navigation and functionality throughout, allowing customers to access detailed training, product information and videos with the option to share information across all major social networking sites. Laser Ammo's very active Facebook and Twitter social media sites provide users with unlimited firearms training information, video and articles. Also, the new site content has been updated to give users the latest firearms training information including videos from the History Channel's TOP SHOT, Frank Melony.
Furthermore, the Laser-Ammo.com provides quick and intuitive access to its versatile product line for shooters, law enforcement. Military, Airsoft users, stimulator interaction and more. Everything a shooter would need to practice and improve shooting techniques and accuracy. Products such as firearms laser training systems, Glock and XD sights. electronic targets,Targeting software, Airsoft laser training systems and more are featured.
Thinking about the Laser Ammo dealer family needs, a special log-in section on Laser-ammo.com is for dealers who would like to conveniently save time by ordering directly online. Once logged in, dealers can see special pricing, the latest promotions, and new products. Laser Ammo considered the Media in it's new design while adding a special section that includes downloads of data sheets, high resolution images, and videos on each product.
The new Laser-Ammo website offers a mobile friendly responsive design which provides visitors with important company information including the latest Laser Ammo products, services and training instruction and video. The responsive designed site is optimized for viewing on any device or screen size to fit a growing mobile audience. “We are growing worldwide, and just opened a new office in Europe, so we understood we needed to update the look and feel of our site to represent a more modern brand and suit our worldwide audience regardless of the device they are using,” said Chen Shoshani, VP, Sales at Laser Ammo, USA., “Whether on a laptop, tablet or mobile device, our visitors will be able to access the important training, product and dealer information they need where ever they are and what ever device they may be using."
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More about Laser Ammo - Laser Ammo Ltd. develops and sells firearms training products for civilian, law enforcement, and military markets.
Owned and operated by former Israeli and US military combat veterans, Laser Ammo is dedicated to providing serious training for serious professionals. Our products, including the SureStrike™ dry fire training system, electronic targets, and more are used by military, law enforcement agencies, NRA instructors, and firearm owners worldwide.
The Laser Ammo family of products allows operators to utilize their specific weapons platform, including Air soft or recoil conversion systems, for dry fire training. From basic reactive target systems through high end Simulators, to fully customizable solutions for Force on Force (MILES) training, Laser Ammo is simply serious training for serious professionals.
The Company's R&D is conducted at its Israel office. Laser Ammo USA, a fully owned subsidiary, and Nordic Laser Ammo in Europe are chiefly responsible for sales and marketing. The Company's presence in Israel puts it at the crossroads of leading weapons technology development. Laser Ammo benefits from the input of numerous professionals in engineering and weapons training for civilians, the military, and law enforcement, which has led to the creation of products that are ideally suited for each sector. Having our R&D at the Company's Israel headquarters also allows field-testing by top military and police units. At the same time, our US and European locations ensure that we are close to our retailers and end users. Our products were created as a result of user needs, and we intend to maintain that development philosophy. Laser Ammo USA and Nordic Laser Ammo keep us close to the action.
For more information on our new site, visit www.laser-ammo.com
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Please send responses to:
Chen Shoshani
Laser Ammo USA, Inc.
Great Neck NY 11022
P: 516.858.1262 -
M: 646.872.7165
W: www.laser-ammo.com
E: info@laser-ammo.com


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P: 619.701.0130
